What's this comic about?
As soon as I find out, you'll be the first to know.

Basically it's about my Personification characters. I have a lot. I like Personifications (aka Forces, aka sonnies).

Wasn't this comic originally something else? With Bounty Hunters?
No. *shifty eyes*

Okay it was. For like a month. Like seven years ago, how the hell did you know that? Anyway, needless to say, it's not anymore. My poor Bounty Hunter boys are back in brain storage where they've pretty much been since I was seven.

Aren't you the deadbeat who does Weirdness Rules!?
Yes, that would be me. Although I've proven time and time again that I fail at keeping to ONE webcomic, I'm trying for two now. I'm hoping to beat my deadbeat ways.

Can I draw/send you fanart?
Only if you want me to love you forever. Please do, and please let me see it! You can email me here. (Remove the word "remove", in case you're unclear of the procedure.)

How can I contact you to send you hate mail/love mail/proposals/free shampoo?
You can email me here. (Again, the "remove" gets removed.)

I wrote to you and you never wrote back!
Sorry, I suck. Or maybe I thought your email was spam. Or maybe hotmail was on the fritz. In any case, email me again, with a clearly unspammy subject and I will try and get back to you.

Can we chat sometime?
Short answer, no. Sorry. I've always had a private AIM list and I always will. I'm just cliquey that way. You could always try and talk to me on my LiveJournal though, I'm chatty there.

What do you call a sheep with no legs?
A cloud.

I've seen your characters on FourBoys!
Yes, I'm good friends with the artist of Fourboys (yes, you do envy me). I'm assuming this comic will be about my Sonnies before the present time, so I doubt her boys will show up here. Of course, with my attention span, everything is subject to change.

Death/Evil/whoever in THIS comic seem different to the Death/Evil/whoever in Weirdness Rules!...
Short answer, they're the same people with personality defects.

Weirdness Rules! was always just total insanity and trippiness. I took my favourite Sonnies and put them in there, same designs but their personalities are basically ranging from parodies of themselves to nothing like themselves.

I have a question.
Tell me. (removes to be removed)

Failure to Appear is made in the UK by Sarah "Sallie Drazzi" Reynolds and is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.





