Link Me
You want to link me? Thanks, wow, you're great. I, on the other hand, am a lazy bum, so there's no linking buttons (yet). Sorry.

No, I do not do link exchanges. I link comics I actually enjoy not from obligation.

Links out

Weirdness Rules! - because I've only plugged it 300 times.

Fourboys - The lives of four (hundred) Bishounen just trying to get through life.

Squid Rings and Sushi Rice - This is my best friend's webcomic, her way of trying to improve her art skills, and it's shaping up to be quite a dramatic thing.

Favourites of Mine
Friendly Hosility - From the artist of the much loved (and missed) Boy Meets Boy, and even better than previous works.

Kevin and Kell - One of the McDaddies of the Web Comic Genre.

Sinfest - One of the other McDaddies of the web comic world.

Wapsi Square - A feast for the eye and funny bone (I can be cheesey).

Jack - If you haven't read this comic, you simply haven't lived.

Carpe Diem - It's not just my love of Giraffes that makes me read this, the storylines are fantastically executed.

As if! - A flash back to the 80ies.

Better Days - I just cannot discribe my love for this comic.

Vigilante, Ho! - A new and very promising webcomic.

Kagerou - Find yourself a good few hours and read this in one go. You will not be disappointed.

Failure to Appear is made in the UK by Sarah "Sallie Drazzi" Reynolds and is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.





